凡尔登的尼古拉斯(Nicholas of Verdun)高清作品《对贤士的崇拜》
《忏悔录》描绘了神龛前崇拜的崇拜者,日期约为1200岁。它们是描绘基督生活场景的浮雕循环的延续,这些浮雕曾经装饰神殿两侧的屋顶表面,但现在消失了。这是唯一一个在神龛上暗示里面的遗物的场景。Virgin Mary和基督的孩子坐在一个拱廊下,从左边,三法吉的方法与他们的礼物。三个人中最老的是跪拜的过程。这种浮雕的风格不同于在神殿两侧描绘先知的风格,它可追溯到11900年左右,可归因于凡尔登的金匠尼古拉斯。很可能是崇拜者在不同的车间里做的。
Title:Adoration of the Magi
artist:Nicholas of Verdun
Style:Mosan art
Genre:religious painting
The reliefs depicting the Adoration of the Magi on the front of the shrine date from around 1200. They are a continuation of the cycle of reliefs depicting scenes from the life of Christ, which used to decorate the roof surfaces on the sides of the shrine, but are now lost. This scene is the only one on the shrine that hints at the relics contained inside. The Virgin Mary and the Christ Child sit enthroned beneath an arcade; from the left, the three Magi approach with their gifts. The oldest of the three is in the process of kneeling down in adoration. The style of this relief differs from those depicting the prophets on the sides of the shrine, which date from around 1190 and can be attributed to the goldsmith Nicholas of Verdun. It is likely that the Adoration of the Magi was made in a different workshop.
作品名称:《对贤士的崇拜》凡尔登的尼古拉斯(Nicholas of Verdun)高清作品欣赏
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