皮耶罗·德拉·弗朗西斯卡(Piero della Francesca)高清作品《耶稣诞生》
标签:基督教,童贞与童子,Virgin Mary
尺寸:124.4 x 122.6 cm
皮耶罗在他自己的时间里设定了圣诞故事。他们站在山顶上的平坦土地唤起了托斯卡纳,蜿蜒的山谷向左延伸。与此同时,右边的天际线,由大教堂主宰,几乎可以是皮耶罗的家乡Borgo Sansepolcro的郊区。这幅画展示了北欧绘画的影响。皮耶罗在他的职业生涯早期就画过了他的作品,但后来他开始从事油画创作。随着棕色在绘画中的使用,这表明了对Netherlandish和佛兰芒作品的熟悉。这被基督的苗条身材所强化,他缺乏意大利当代绘画的方形肌肉,更让人想起雨果·凡德·戈斯等艺术家的绘画。皮耶罗也进行了透视实验。这是他的作品中唯一一部显示出与作品其他部分有偏差的建筑物的作品:这是一个简单的小棚子,它使人想起了基督卑微的开端。这个面板是不可能完成的。它肯定被破坏了,可能是19世纪恢复者的工作。尽管如此,这幅画所包含的细节远不止于此,足以给人一种完整的构图感,而这幅构图很可能是艺术家最后创作的作品之一。
artist:Piero della Francesca
Date:1470 - 1475
Style:Early Renaissance
Genre:religious painting
Dimensions:124.4 x 122.6 cm
Location:National Gallery, London, UK
Piero has set the Christmas story in his own time. The flat land on top of the hill where they stand evokes Tuscany, as does the winding valley to the left. Meanwhile the skyline on the right, dominated by the basilica, could almost be the outskirts of Piero's home town Borgo Sansepolcro. The painting shows the impact of Northern European painting. Piero painted with tempera early in his career, but for later works like this one he began working in oil. Along with the use of brown under-painting for the figures, this shows a familiarity with Netherlandish and Flemish work. This is reinforced by the slim figure of Christ, who lacks the square muscularity of contemporary depictions from Italy, and is more reminiscent of paintings by artists like Hugo van der Goes. Piero has also experimented with perspective. It is the only one of his works that shows a building askew from the rest of the composition: this is the simple shed, which reminds the viewer of Christ's humble beginnings. It is possible that this panel was never completed. It has certainly been damaged, possibly by the work of a 19th-century restorer. Nevertheless, the painting holds more than enough detail to give a sense of a complete composition, one which is likely to have been among the last the artist created.
作品名称:《耶稣诞生》皮耶罗·德拉·弗朗西斯卡(Piero della Francesca)高清作品欣赏
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