彼得·保罗·鲁本斯(Peter Paul Rubens)高清作品《安吉亚里之战的副本,莱昂纳多达的失落的绘画》
尺寸:45.29 x 642.62 cm
复制了达芬奇在佛罗伦萨米诺里亚宫的壁画,1504-1505年被处决,1560年左右被毁。鲁本斯在1600至1608年间前往意大利,并没有看到这场战斗的草图,在1560左右被摧毁。然而,他有机会访问达·芬奇的绘画并研究它们。鲁本斯的作品是根据洛伦佐·扎基亚的1553年雕刻而成的,这幅画取材于这幅画本身,或者可能源自达芬奇的卡通画。2012年3月,据宣布,由毛里齐奥·塞拉奇尼领导的一个研究小组在佛罗里达州韦奇奥宫的萨隆·迪·辛克森托(五百人堂)的壁画室中发现,失踪的达芬奇仍然存在于一个洞穴后面的隐藏的内墙上,瓦萨里壁画的一部分下面。伦斯。它的中心场景描绘了四个人骑着怒气冲冲的战马,在1440年的安吉亚里战役中为获得标准而战。据称,从左到右是Francesco Piccinino;尼科尔·皮奇尼诺;Ludovico Trevisan;乔凡尼安东尼奥·德尔·巴尔佐奥西尼。
Title:Copy of Battle of Anghiari, the lost painting by Leonardo da
artist:Peter Paul Rubens
Date:c.1603; Italy
Genre:battle painting
Dimensions:45.29 x 642.62 cm
Location:Louvre, Paris, France
Copy after a fresco by Leonardo da Vinci in the Palazzo della Signoria in Florence, executed in 1504-1505 and destroyed around 1560. Rubens, who traveled to Italy between 1600 and 1608, did not see the sketch of the Battle, destroyed around 1560. However, he had access to Leonardo da Vinci's drawings and studied them. Rubens's work was based on an engraving of 1553 by Lorenzo Zacchia, which was taken from the painting itself or possibly derived from a cartoon by Leonardo. In March 2012, it was announced that a team led by Maurizio Seracini has found evidence that the Lost Leonardo still exists on a hidden inner wall behind a cavity, underneath a section of Vasari's fresco in the chamber of Salone dei Cinquecento (Hall of the Five Hundred) in the Palazzo Vecchio, Florence. Its central scene depicted four men riding raging war horses engaged in a battle for possession of a standard, at The Battle of Anghiari in 1440. Purportedly, from left to right are Francesco Piccinino; Niccolò Piccinino; Ludovico Trevisan; Giovanni Antonio Del Balzo Orsini.
作品名称:《安吉亚里之战的副本,莱昂纳多达的失落的绘画》彼得·保罗·鲁本斯(Peter Paul Rubens)高清作品欣赏
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