乔治·罗姆尼(George Romney)高清作品《Admiral Sir Francis Geary (1709–1796)》
作品名:Admiral Sir Francis Geary (1709–1796)
1767年至1783年,右手拿着帽子和拐杖,戴着领带假发。有一个五点唱,表明帽子最初是在他的头上,这幅画于1782年在皇家学院展出。1759岁的霍克是海军少将,加里不幸错过了十一月的奎伯恩湾行动。1780年5月,他接替了英吉利海峡舰队的指挥,指挥查尔斯·哈代爵士的死亡,当时正值法国受到入侵威胁的关键时期,但因健康原因在次年8月被迫放弃指挥。在这幅画中,他站在朴茨茅斯的炮台上,舰队停泊在左边背景上,包括“胜利”号,100支枪作为他的旗舰。背景和船只都被认为是Dominic Serres。在左边的前景中有一个现代铭文。
Title:Admiral Sir Francis Geary (1709–1796)
artist:George Romney
A full-length portrait to right wearing flag officer's full-dress uniform, 1767–1783, a tie wig and holding his hat and cane in his right hand. There is a pentimento which indicates the hat was originally on his head and the picture was exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1782. A rear-admiral under Hawke in 1759, Geary had the misfortune to miss the Quiberon Bay action that November. In May 1780 he succeeded to the command of the Channel fleet on the death of Sir Charles Hardy, during a critical period of threatened French invasion, but was forced to give up the command for health reasons the following August. In this painting he stands on the battery at Portsmouth, with the fleet anchored in the left background including the 'Victory', 100 guns, as his flagship. Both the background and the ships are believed to be by Dominic Serres. There is a modern inscription in the left foreground.
作品名称:乔治·罗姆尼(George Romney)高清作品:Admiral Sir Francis Geary (1709–1796)
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