雅克-路易·大卫(Jacques-Louis David)高清作品《Portrait of Mr. Cooper Penrose》
作品名:Portrait of Mr. Cooper Penrose
尺寸:130.5 x 97.5 cm
1802年,库珀·彭罗斯从爱尔兰到巴黎,委托欧洲最著名的画家大卫画肖像。这幅画反映了画家成熟的肖像风格,它以四分之三的视角展现主题,坐在光秃秃的墙壁前。通过保持最低限度,戴维避免了表演者的等级和血统。彭罗斯,一个出身于英国的贵格会教徒家庭,是一个成功的商人和土地所有者,但是他的奢侈品味受到了朋友协会的批评。这部斯巴达肖像的试运行可能是为了对抗那些批评。戴维通过将头顶放在画布上,而不是传统的法国肖像画,将坐位带到地面。人们注意到了画得很亮的头部和手,它们在构图的中心形成一个三角形。&引自《收藏:蒂姆肯美术馆;物品ID#:1953:001》。信息源:蒂姆肯艺术博物馆,信息中心。(注:巴波亚公园的作品仍在进行研究。)欲了解更多有关这项工作的信息,请电邮:信息@ TimkEngoro.org。来自巴波亚公园公共网站的“Portrait of Mr. Cooper Penrose”的数据。版权所有2015。(公平使用)允许(CC)许可证,但巴波亚公园下院)。
Title:Portrait of Mr. Cooper Penrose
artist:Jacques-Louis David
Date:1802; Paris, France
Dimensions:130.5 x 97.5 cm
Location:Timken Museum of Art, San Diego, CA, US
"Cooper Penrose traveled from Ireland to Paris in 1802 to commission David, the most famous painter in Europe, to paint his portrait. Reflecting the artist's mature portrait style, this painting shows the subject in three-quarter-length view, seated before a bare wall. By keeping accouterments to a minimum, David avoids indicating the sitter's rank and lineage. Penrose, a British-born member of a prominent Quaker family, was a successful businessman and landowner but was criticized by the Society of Friends for his lavish tastes. The commissioning of this spartan portrait may have been intended to combat that criticism. David brings the sitter down to earth by positioning the head lower on the canvas than is traditional in French portraiture. Attention is drawn to the brilliantly painted head and hands, which form a triangle in the center of the composition." Collection: Timken Museum of Art; Item ID #: 1953:001. Information source ? Timken Museum of Art, info@timkenmuseum.org. (Note: research is still being conducted on works that appear in the Balboa Park Commons. For more information about this work, please email: info@timkenmuseum.org). Data from: "Portrait of Mr. Cooper Penrose," in the Balboa Park Commons website. Copyright ? 2015. (Fair use is permitted by a (CC) license though the Balboa Park Commons).
作品名称:雅克-路易·大卫(Jacques-Louis David)高清作品:Portrait of Mr. Cooper Penrose
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