约翰·杰克逊(John Jackson)高清作品《Constantine Henry Phipps (1797–1863), 1st Marquess of Norma》
作品名:Constantine Henry Phipps (1797–1863), 1st Marquess of Norma
《保姆》是Henry Phipps爵士的长子,第一Earl of Mulgrave(1755-1831)。他曾在剑桥哈罗和三一学院接受教育,1818进入国会担任斯卡伯勒议员。他支持议会改革,并担任了许多政府职位,包括牙买加州长(1832-4)和爱尔兰中尉(1835-9)。他在1839被调到内政部,在那里一直呆到1841年的秋季。此后,他成为驻巴黎大使(1844-52)和佛罗伦萨部长(1854-8),他被认为在外国政治中干涉过多。他于1838年6月25日创建诺曼比侯爵。
Title:Constantine Henry Phipps (1797–1863), 1st Marquess of Norma
artist:John Jackson
The sitter was the eldest son of Sir Henry Phipps, 1st Earl of Mulgrave (1755-1831). He was educated at Harrow and Trinity College, Cambridge, and entered Parliament in 1818 as MP for Scarborough. He supported parliamentary reform, and held numerous government posts, including Governor of Jamaica (1832-4) and Lord Lieutenant of Ireland (1835-9). He was transferred to the Home Office in 1839, where he remained until the fall of the ministry in 1841. Thereafter he became ambassador at Paris (1846-52), and minister at Florence (1854-8), in which posts he was thought to have meddled too much in the politics of foreign states. He was created Marquis of Normanby on 25th June 1838.
作品名称:约翰·杰克逊(John Jackson)高清作品:Constantine Henry Phipps (1797–1863), 1st Marquess of Norma
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