克里斯托弗·伍德(Christopher Wood)高清作品《斑马和降落伞》
Title:Zebra and Parachute
artist:Christopher Wood
Date:1930; Paris, France
Style:Naïve Art (Primitivism),Post-Impressionism
Genre:animal painting
Location:Tate Modern, London, UK
Zebra and Parachute is one of Wood’s last paintings. The image brings together an unusual collection of elements that give the work a surrealist flavour. A zebra appears against the backdrop of a modernist building. The animal stands on the building’s roof terrace near a raised flowerbed. The distinctive lines of the architecture, which include strong diagonals produced by a zig-zagging ramp and the cylindrical forms of two chimneys or towers in the background, suggest an almost abstract arrangement that contrasts with the altogether different pattern produced by the zebra’s stripes. A dark shadow falls just in front of the zebra, casting the right-hand zone of the terrace into semi-darkness and adding to the mysterious atmosphere of the image. In the sky above this scene, a parachute is descending. The tiny figure that dangles in the parachute harness appears limp and lifeless.
作品名称:《斑马和降落伞》克里斯托弗·伍德(Christopher Wood)高清作品欣赏
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