瓦尔特·巴蒂斯(Walter Battiss)高清作品《Le D&éjeuner》
作品名:Le D&éjeuner
尺寸:39.5 x 49.5 cm
随着巴蒂斯年龄的增长,他的作品变得更加大胆,他晚年的油画都是用流畅而宽泛的笔触绘制的。他对人的刻画常常被性爱的元素所强调,正如这些作品中所能看到的。在《女孩变成女人》一书中,他以书法描绘了女人的乳房和生殖器与反映卡鲁山水简朴的色彩平面。在《海边的女孩》中,赤裸的女孩在沙滩上嬉戏,在《列杰努尔战役报》中,爱德华·马奈的《列杰努尔战役报》把1863年画的草药从池塘边森林野餐转移到田园诗般的岛上,还给坐着的男性脱了衣服。(Michael Stevenson)
Title:Le D&éjeuner
artist:Walter Battiss
Style:Naïve Art (Primitivism),Pop Art
Genre:nude painting (nu)
Dimensions:39.5 x 49.5 cm
"As Battiss grew older so his work grew bolder, and the oils from his last years are painted in fluid and broad brushstrokes. His portrayal of people was often underscored by elements of eroticism, as can be seen in each of these works. In Girl turning into a woman he has calligraphically sketched the breasts and genitalia of the women against flat planes of colour reflecting the austerity of the Karoo landscape. In Girls on a seashore the naked girls frolic on the sandy strip, and in Le Déjeuner Battiss has transferred Edouard Manet’s Le Déjeuner sur l’herbe, painted in 1863, from a picnic in a forest on the edge of a pond to an idyllic island setting, and also undressed the seated male figure." (Michael Stevenson)
作品名称:瓦尔特·巴蒂斯(Walter Battiss)高清作品:Le D&ampéjeuner
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