海伦·弗兰肯萨勒(Helen Frankenthaler)
艺术家: 海伦·弗兰肯萨勒
生于: 1928年12月12日;曼哈顿,纽约,美国
卒于: 2011年12月27日;Darien,康涅狄格,美国
国籍: 美国
流派: 抽象表现主义,画后抽象
领域: 绘画
受影响: Hans Hofmann,杰克逊·波洛克,威廉·德·库宁,Cubism,Abstract Expressionism
影响: Kenneth Noland,Morris Louis,Jules Olitski,Abstract Expressionism
老师: Rufino Tamayo,Hans Hofmann
机构: 亨特学院,纽约城市大学,纽约,NY,美国,贝宁顿学院,Bennington,VT,美国,国家学院博物馆和学校(国家设计学院),纽约,NY,美国
海伦·弗兰肯瑟勒是美国抽象表现主义画家。她是战后美国绘画史上的主要贡献者。在展出她的作品超过六十年(1950年代初到2011年)后,她跨越了几代抽象画家,同时继续创作重要且不断变化的新作品。20世纪50年代初,弗兰克森塔尔开始在当代博物馆和美术馆展出她的大型抽象表现主义绘画。她参加了由克莱门特·格林伯格策划的1964年后绘画抽象画展览,该展览引入了新一代的抽象绘画。被称为颜色场。她出生于曼哈顿,受到Hans Hofmann、Jackson Pollock、39和克莱门特·格林伯格绘画的影响。她的作品曾参加过几次回顾展,包括1989年在纽约现代艺术博物馆举行的回顾展,自1950年代以来,她的作品在世界各地展出。2001年,她被授予美国国家艺术勋章。弗兰肯塔勒在康涅狄格Darien有一个家和工作室。
Artist :Helen Frankenthaler
Additional Name :Helen Frankenthaler
Born : Manhattan, New York, United States
Died : Darien, Connecticut, United States
Nationality :American
Art Movement :Abstract Expressionism,Post-Painterly Abstraction
Influenced by :hans-hofmann,jackson-pollock,willem-de-kooning,artists-by-art-movement/cubism,artists-by-art-movement/abstract-expressionism
Influenced on :kenneth-noland,morris-louis,jules-olitski,artists-by-art-movement/abstract-expressionism
Teachers :rufino-tamayo,hans-hofmann
Art institution :Hunter College, City University of New York, New York City, NY, US,Bennington College, Bennington, VT, US,National Academy Museum and School (National Academy of Design), New York City, NY, US
Helen Frankenthaler was an American abstract expressionist painter. She was a major contributor to the history of postwar American painting. Having exhibited her work for over six decades (early 1950s until 2011), she spanned several generations of abstract painters while continuing to produce vital and ever-changing new work. Frankenthaler began exhibiting her large-scale abstract expressionist paintings in contemporary museums and galleries in the early 1950s. She was included in the 1964 Post-Painterly Abstraction exhibition curated by Clement Greenberg that introduced a newer generation of abstract painting that came to be known as Color Field. Born in Manhattan, she was influenced by Hans Hofmann, Jackson Pollock's paintings and by Clement Greenberg. Her work has been the subject of several retrospective exhibitions, including a 1989 retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, and been exhibited worldwide since the 1950s. In 2001, she was awarded the National Medal of Arts. Frankenthaler had a home and studio in Darien, Connecticut.