恩·格里戈里斯丘(Ion Grigorescu)高清作品《拳击》
最初是8毫米制作的,最近掌握了16毫米的数字,"Bo."lasts 2'27',是Ion Grigorescu实现的一系列自制视频的一部分,作为一个高度机密的辅助项目,如果秘密警察("Securitate")发现了,可以艾夫给这位艺术家带来了严厉的惩罚(当时他正在试验他可以得到的照片和视频技术)。在“拳击”中,他表演了一场与自己不同的比赛。“我拍的电影拳击是在我以前住的房间里,一个临时工作室,位于公寓楼的一楼。房间的地板是黑色的,很适合我的目的,而且可以叠加我在拳击比赛时所想到的,比赛分成3分钟的回合,并按照标准的8毫米双滚的长度来制作。以我自己作为唯一的演员,我不得不做两次曝光的电影,拳击两次相反的方向。邻居们容忍这种情况,直到第第三轮时,他们开始用扫帚敲打天花板。比赛有它的特点——拳击手赤身裸体,胜者踢倒对手,没有观众,没有休息,没有戒指。一个战斗机的形象逐渐消失,虽然他是强大的,最终会获胜。”(Ion Grigorescu)
artist:Ion Grigorescu
Style:Conceptual Art
Originally produced on 8 mm and more recently mastered in 16 mm and digital, "Boxing" lasts 2'27'' and is part of a series of home-made videos realized by Ion Grigorescu, as a highly secret side project that, if the secret police ("Securitate") were to find out about, could have brought about severe punishment for the artist (who was at the time experimenting with the photo and video technologies that he could have access to). In "Boxing", he performs a match with his own alter-ego.“I made the film Boxing in the room where I used to live - a makeshift studio -, located on the first floor of an apartment block. The room’s floor, which was black, suited my purpose and allowed the superimposition I had in mind for the boxing match, which was divided into 3-minute rounds, and made to correspond to the length of a standard 8 mm double roll. With myself as the only possible actor, I had to do a double exposure of the film, boxing twice in opposite directions. The neighbours tolerated this until the third round when thay started tapping the ceiling with a broom. The match has its peculiarities – the fighters are naked, the winner kicks his fallen opponent, there is no audience, no refree, no ring. The image of one fighter progressively fades, although he is the stronger one and will eventually win.” (Ion Grigorescu)
作品名称:《拳击》恩·格里戈里斯丘(Ion Grigorescu)高清作品欣赏
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