伊娃·黑塞(Eva Hesse)高清作品《环抱阿罗西》
Jean Tinguely的德国展览可能触发了Ringaround Arosie的诙谐幽默,尽管黑塞已经熟悉马塞尔·杜尚的色情超现实主义。我们也可以在这部作品中看到达达的诙谐、荒诞的品质,以及已故的Bauhaus更为奇妙的、未来主义的元素,体现在Oskar Schlemmer和其他战前德国设计文化的抽象戏装中。黑塞将这两个中心物体识别为乳房和阴茎,赋予作品一种幽默的品质;同时,浮雕散发出一种具有粉红色调性和工艺纹理的立体女性角色。这个标题,回忆了一个著名的童年游戏,带有一个萦绕着字幕的字眼,指的是“跌倒”或类似的灾难,被解释为黑塞在当时成为母亲的愿望的陈述。仿佛在她自己的作品中孕育了另一个维度,黑塞的第一次浮雕是她从绘画到所谓“怪诞”雕塑发展道路上的一个重要里程碑。
Title:Ringaround Arosie
artist:Eva Hesse
Style:Feminist Art,Post-Minimalism
A German exhibition by Jean Tinguely may have triggered the kitschy, playful vein of Ringaround Arosie, although Hesse was already familiar with the erotic surrealism of Marcel Duchamp. We might also see in this work the playful, absurd qualities of Dada, as well as the more fantastic, futuristic elements of late Bauhaus as manifested in the abstract theatrical costumes of Oskar Schlemmer and others of pre-war German design culture. Hesse has identified the two central objects as a breast and a penis, which lends the work a humorous quality; at the same time, the relief exudes a stereotypically feminine persona with its pink tonality and craft-like texture. The title, which recalls a well-known childhood game with a haunting subtext referring to "falling down" or similarly suffering a calamity, has been interpreted as a statement of Hesse's own desire at that time to become a mother. As if giving birth to another dimension in her own work, this first relief by Hesse is an important landmark in her evolving path from painting to so-called "eccentric" sculpture.
作品名称:《环抱阿罗西》伊娃·黑塞(Eva Hesse)高清作品欣赏
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