卡鲁卡瓦诺(Kaoru Kawano)
艺术家: 卡鲁卡瓦诺
生于: 1916;日本北海道
卒于: 1965;1965
国籍: 日本
流派: 昭和时期(1926-1989)
领域: 版画
Kaoru Kawano出生于北海道,1934年初就读于川端康成艺术学校。他在1944的日本印刷协会接受了他的第一张照片。到了20世纪50年代,他开始在世界各地的展览中更加频繁地展出。他的印刷品,甚至连他的(显然是早期的)限量版印刷品都没有过时。
Artist :Kaoru Kawano
Additional Name :Kaoru Kawano
Born : Hokkaido, Japan
Died :1965
Nationality :Japanese
Art Movement :Shōwa period (1926–1989)
Field :printmaking
Kaoru Kawano was born in Hokkaido and studied at the Kawabata Art School beginning in 1934. He had his first prints accepted by the Japan Print Association in 1944. By the 1950s he began to exhibit more frequently in shows around the world. None of his prints, not even his (apparently early) limited edition prints, are dated.