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评论观点 叶欣 2021-03-05 7997














He Dan’s creative  and descriptive state

Ye Xin

There is a creative state (tsao-ching) and there is a descriptive state (hsieh-ching). This is the basis of distinction between the idealists and realists. However, it is difficult to make a differentiation between the two because the state which the great poets create must be in accordance with what is natural, and the state which they simply describe must approach the ideal.

The creative state and descriptive state in Wang Guowei's poetry and He Dan's picturesque conception are two different things, but they are better than one.

The methods used by He Dan, the practice of descriptive state and the production of a creative state are all realistic. In the words of Wang Guowei, it is to use the descriptive state to produce descriptive contents and to use the realistic painting to express ideals. Some people say that his style of painting is remaining Western classical style, which could be true; others say that he painted modern Chinese style, and it seems to be true as well. But I want to say that the world in He Dan's paintings is actually a world of people's familiar images, because there is no  distinction between the past or present in the human’s retina. He Dan looks at the world with his own eyes, uses the reproduction of images in a descriptive state, creates this state, and those works realize the idea of the book about what we always see.

Yes, painting can speak, just like poetry can be drawn. Human visual memory, this is like the realms of light and shadow, like photography and film. The vision described by the ancient poetry also naturally belongs to this realm. " I raise my cup to invite the Moon who blends" (Li Bai).In Li Bai’s poem, the shadow is counted, but unfortunately, once the picture is fullfilled  the shadow can't follow. Mozi discovered the principle of photography for pinhole imaging already more than two thousand years ago. But we figured out that it is named and conscious just since a hundred years. I watched He Dan's "Dream at Night" as if he takes up the cudgel for Li Bai.

Since the human retina is related to the principle of photography, it does not matter whether the drawing is descripted from a sketch or a photo. Today, when sketching itself has been regarded as a kind of performance art, there is no such thing as writing or creation in writing. However, through the "natural" writing environment, the surrealistic paintings and the poetry of the natural world were created, but Wang Guowei did not refer expect to it. Using dislocation of time and space and excessive "realism" to create a surreal "ideal" situation, Hedan's utopia is likely a daydream.f

According to the principles of modern psychology, it is good known that the thoughts of the daytime will reflect in the nights dream.. The illusion of the dream is the misplaced combination of the memory of the retina. He Dan's works are viewed by anthropologists and ethnologists. The world of crowd has drawn attention in the utopia he has descripted carefully. It’s neither idealized, nor eulogistic, does not hang onto the influential, thoughts of freedom, and spirit of independence. He Dan is a king in the utopia of his own dreams.

Why do He Dan’s paintings always touch me? Because I know him personally, I love to speak to him and listen to his words. It’s like Watching He Dan’s paintings is like listening to his shooting the breeze. He Dan’s teasing is always whimsical and makes sense, straightforward and sharply, sometimes it sweats with anxiety or fear. But don't be afraid, he has the right idea to save the situation, just laughing at himself, just as he often draws himself into the unconscious crowd in his painting, immersed in the situation, and he enters and stays in Wang Guowei's so-called " impersonal state" as  well a"s the personal state".

oPetry uses words to describe the "image" of the creative state and descriptive state to be achieved by the awakening of the reader's visual memory. What He Dan's paintings brought to his audience can be seen as the moral and philosophical meaning of the text. the benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom and the interpretation is given by the audience. He Dan's paintings can be used to speak and express ideas. He does not write down what he thinks about the picture like a literati painter or surrealist painter. He only used the title of the painting, and then " do the best without words"

There are also theatrical takes in He Dan’s paintings. The play is based on your own search on the painting. People might understand his interpretation; and even if people don't understand his expression, they eople always enjoy their seeing. People will definitely see themselves in the painting,  and they will just smile. From the screenwriter, the director, the protagonist, to the set, props, he is all in one. However hilarious his paintings might be, when the people close their eyes they might be able to recall their memory of childhood and the nostalgic of the wanderer. It seems that when I was alone wandering on the Loess Plateau and suddenly I heard a Shanxi local melody (Xintianyou).

The state created by He Dan has always been in line with his nature; the state descripted by He Dan is always on account of his ideals.

Written in Paris on June 3, 2019